Colin's work on the report was awesome. I can't say the same about our 
'collective representative body' however, it should be led by independent 
entrepreneurs - by us for us - not vested interests. Regardless of how well 
intended some are, the reality is we can't let others speak for us.

Given Google chair StartupAus and they are *not* a startup (they are a 
multinational and at best an enabler) and we don't have any democracy or 
transparency in the StartupAus organisation or their processes I think we 
need to separate the issues from the organisation.

I love some Google products and their intellectual rigour and some apects 
of their corporate culture and also applaud their funding the initial 
'first 50 meeting in mach 2013' but we need to separate local issues in the 
report from supporting what could basically be a vehicle for local 
influence by a multinational (if we are not careful).

I'd encourage people to give quotes on specific issues they believe the 
report is accurately suggesting solutions for, I'd strongly encourage 
people *not* to give blank support for an organisation until they 
understand that it is not elected by us (yet claims to represent us in 
numerous press releases, media interviews and in the report itself - that 
is factually incorrect).

I'd also encourage people to ask what they would like our industry 
representation to look like in a positive proactive manner thinking longer 
term. My first draft of some sound principles (working title only) is 
called StartSoc (The Start Society) is documented here and has been up for a few weeks but been under 
consideration for a year or so ... and feedback here on silicon beach (on 
this or new threads on an issue by issue basis) or as comments on the 
StartSoc site is strongly encouraged.

It is a stretch (at best) for StartupAus to say they represent startups in 
AU when there is no voting on members or directors, board meetings are not 
advised in advance to all and made open, processes are not transparent, 
directors are chosen without industry consultation, directors are not 
independent entrepreneurs  and the leaders are employed by enablers (albeit 
with good entrepreneurial backgrounds in some cases) who generally have 
entrepreneurs as customers - they are not independent entrepreneurs 
building startups.  This sort of sustainable footing was recommended by the 
'first 50' in March 2013 but has been rejected by the StartupAus board and 
now they have had nearly 15 months to act and have choosen not to do so, we 
need to call them on it. Firmly, politely, factually and get this sorted 
for all our benefits.

Government at all level is already assuming StartupAus are speaking for us, 
some of their recommendations are on the money but not all are and frankly 
I'd rather a bad democracy than an unelected dictatorship any day. This is 
a debate we should have publicly and in a sustained manner for all our 

I applaud people supporting an industry body but question our approach 
where it is led by a firm that pays 0.1% of revenue in Australia in tax 
(Google it) and the above flaws in process.

I agree with a large amount of the report's contents, probably well more 
than half at a high level but simple facts like 'there are only 1,000 
startups in AU' are factually incorrect and it is a strategic decision by 
StartupAus to understate it because they can claim they grew it later.

No one, absolutely no one has a monopoly on good ideas or innovation. 
Asking democratically what the industry needs and how to solve it and 
giving a concerted response to government will be a better result than 
having vested interests speak for us - even if they really do generally 
mean well.

It is polarising the industry to say we support the report and the 
organisation in just one statement. They are very very different things. 
Lets just focus on the issues in the report today and fix the 
organisational aspects next.

Warmly welcome debate here, we will get the democracy we deserve.

Use the hashtag #startsoc - and many issue based hashtags like #democracy 
#transparency #selfrule #truerepresentation #truerep etc and we will see 
the debate unfold?

Cheers, Pete.
@pc0 @startsoc

On Monday, 5 May 2014 15:10:15 UTC+10, Colin Kinner wrote:
> Hi all
> StartupAUS recently released the Crossroads 
> report<>, 
> an action plan for growth of the Australian startup ecosystem. The 
> federal budget is due to be released on 13 May, and last week the 
> government's Commission of Audit 
> recommended<>
>  winding 
> up two of the government's most significant programs that support startups 
> - Commercialisation Australia and the Innovation Investment Fund.
> There has never been a more critical time to ensure that the government 
> gets a clear message about the importance of not just preserving existing 
> programs, but investing in growing and supporting the startup ecosystem in 
> the medium and long term. 
> StartupAUS is seeking quotable feedback from Australian entrepreneurs to 
> show that the startup community cares about what decisions the government 
> makes, and supports the findings and recommendations in the Crossroads 
> report.
> Please take five minutes to provide a short quote / testimonial using *this 
> form*<>
> .
> Responses will be collated and uploaded to the StartupAUS web site 
> alongside the Crossroads report, as well as sent directly to relevant folks 
> in government. 
> Cheers
> Colin

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