Sorry, thinking over my reply it doesn't come across as very constructive.

My advice would be to get an MVP out there, test with real customers, try
to convince them to pay with some money and learn when they say no. If you
lack the skills find people who can help. Freelancer and ODesk are great
for this.

In the mean time start building your network of potential co-founders. Get
to know them and discover who compliments you and trial working with those
you rate and are keen.

On 17/03/2015 6:23 pm, "Dave Kuhn" <> wrote:

> Hey Elly,
> Having been through Startmate and 500 Startups there are good reasons
> behind their selection requirements.
> Let's take accepting teams over individuals for example. Being a solo
> founder, whilst not impossible, is extremely demanding mentally and
> emotionally. Few are cut out for going it alone, as such teams are a safer
> bet. Not only do they support each other but if one falls, the others can
> continue.
> Secondly I've yet to come across an incubator or investor that will back a
> concept or a business plan. They are going to want to see something
> tangible like an MVP, sales/pre-sales and a team that can execute. Without
> these you're going to have a tough time convincing anyone that you are
> worthwhile investing in. Think about it from your own position. Would you
> give someone a huge wad of your own cash and hours of help and advice based
> on a flashy presentation? I hope not. They'll be looking for at least some
> evidence that you're not a snake oil salesperson.
> I hope that this doesn't come across as harsh, though it's better to learn
> these things before you start pounding the pavement. At least you'll have
> time to do something about it.
> Dave
> On 17/03/2015 5:59 pm, <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was wondering if anyone would mind sharing their thoughts and advice
>> about the best starting point (e.g. incubator program) for a first-time
>> founder. I have a tech start-up in concept phase. It has global potential,
>> strong differentiators and, most importantly, it fills a market gap.
>> Startmate looked like a good option but it requires tech-savvy groups of
>> two to four people, generally.
>> Does anyone have some wisdom / constructive advice to share?
>> Thanks!
>> Elly
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