On 1/11/06, Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can just lump them under one memetic label encouraging high
> birth rate.

There is a nice talk on 'The Depopulation Problem' given by Phillip
Longman as part of the Long Now Foundation's monthly talks at:


According to this guy, the birth rate in islamic countries is also falling.

> My eventual conclusion is that all of the humanity is finished,
> and that machines will rule the earth. Soon, maybe even within
> our lifetimes.

Another interesting Long Now talk was 'The Singularity: Your Future as
a Black Hole' by Bruce Sterling:

An excellent listen.

"A gun is not a weapon Marge, it's a tool. Like a butcher knife, or a
       harpoon, or... or an alligator." -- Homer J. Simpson

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