> The balut - quite possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever
> seen.  I can't believe that's on the list of ways to exercise an
> open mind.  It's actually a great way to exercise an open
> stomach.  <Deity> knows I don't puke enough nowadays.  $;^D
> My mind and stomach have to draw the line somewhere.

Looked up "Balut" (me vegetarian and was clueless about this one) and I
agree with you - each person has to draw his or her own line

>Open your mind to other political points of view. If you are a
>conservative, listen to Air America, read Alternet and watch some
>of Michael Moore. If you are a liberal, listen to Rush Limbaugh or
>O'Reilly, read the Washington Times or InstaPundit, and watch Fox

This one is really tough as well. It is hard to watch/listen to Bill
O'Reilly even if you split your mind open - it is the worst kind of
spin in the so called "no spin zone". But it is fascinating to watch
how  single minded and well thought out propaganda works. And I have
never even tried Rush Limbaugh!



--- "A. M. Merritt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 5/2/06, Udhay Shankar N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I suspect many of the folks here already practise several of the
> below.
> >
> > Udhay
> >
> > http://www.wikihow.com/Exercise-an-Open-Mind
> >
> > How t>o Exercise an Open Mind
> >   16. Try foods you have never tried. Have you tried sushi? Have
> you>
> > tried Vietnamese? Mediterranean? Indian? Native-American? Cajun?
> Have
> > you ever tasted a Boba? A shot of Wheatgrass? Have you smoked a
> hookah?
> > Have you eaten durian or the Filipino delicacy, balut? Think it's
> > unhealthy? Do you know it's unhealthy? Look it up.
> >

> Anne Marie
> --
> "Mom and dad say I should make my life as an example of the
> principles I believe in. But every time I do, they tell me to stop
> it." --Calvin

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