what you say would be true if religion by itself were grounded on logical imperatives....which
is definitely not the case. literal interpretations also dont make sense because of  the fact that
every bible published since the original aramaic/ancient greek  version is an interpretation /
translation.....so interpreting it literally wouldnt make sense .

which explains why islam forbids religious readings of translated versions, for fear that such
interpretations would dilute the religion and its message......

the problem arises when people imagine a religious text as a all-in-one history, science,
philosophy, chemistry, biology text book....when they are at best, excellent works of literature.

Ashish Gulhati wrote on 09/01/2006 02:37:46 PM:

> Of-course, the Bible is _meant_ to be interpreted literally, being  
> the word of "God".
> It says so in the Bible itself:
> "But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a  
> matter of one's own interpretation, for no
> prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the  
> Holy Spirit spoke from
> God." (NAS, 2nd Peter 1:20-21)

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