On 05/09/06, ashok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
apart from that, i have been detained for shorter durations both in india
and in another country in africa ...so i guess
the frequency of detentions is quite high.....

Maybe you're just a suspicious looking character. :-)

I've never been hassled at security, so maybe the frequency of
detentions has been exaggerated. Or maybe it's obvious to all and
sundry what a fine, upstanding citizen I am. (It's probably the paunch
-- ever seen a terrorist with a pot belly? Yay -- another reason not
go on a diet)

OK, time for a quick, unscientific, politically-incorrect poll: How
many brown people on this list have been hassled at security? How many
white people on this list have been hassled at security? Those of you
who can't fit yourself into one category or other: please go back to
which ever planet you came from, we don't need no furriners here.

-- b

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