Only Place is still pretty good. So is Millers 46.

Shezan does sell some excellent raw beef though. Perfect for home grilling.

As for Koshy's, I'm still a fan.  Though I can't say really why...

On another note, hello all! I'm not sure what the accepted norm for
self-introductions are but here goes.

27, from (and in) Bangalore, studied law, bored intellectual property
lawyer, work in the processed food industry now, love the work,
interested in technology, Apple fanboy (embarrassingly so), compulsive
restaurant diner, blogger (  and ) and general goof-ball.

On 1/9/07, Udhay Shankar N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Aditya Kapil wrote: [ on 03:05 PM 1/9/2007 ]

>So what's your favourite place now for beef steaks?

Shezan (now back on Lavelle road) used to be pretty good.


((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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