Yogurt, in varied forms, forms quite an integral part of the South
Indian diet. And this may very well be due to the fact that the
probiotics may actually help lactose digestion.

... and a little googling indicates that, among other things, clarifying butter to make ghee also removes the lactose.*

Lucky I run a South-east Asian restaurant, where the use of dairy is very little. :)

Linguists have the notion of "isoglosses" to mark different speech regions.

Has anyone tried mapping the "isokouzes" between different cooking regions?


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* while improving its shelf life. In comparison, the Swiss have a soft drink, Rivella (as well as a store-brand Mivella) that, being a cheese by-product, is probably (apart from water) mostly lactose. I suppose drinking Rivella and eating cheese is almost like drinking milk, but with fewer refrigeration issues.

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