On 02/02/07, Ingrid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If corporate entities enjoy the rights and protections of citizens they can
and should, IMO, carry commensurate responsibility.

Oh, I agree with you. What I was trying to say is that with
individuals appealing to their consciences has some chance of success
-- for example, make me feel guilty enough and I'll buy CRY cards. :)
Heck, I may just buy 'em because I think it's the right thing to do.

However, for corporates it takes external forces to make responsible
behavior the best way to make a profit. The same forces which you
mention below. I don't see why anyone would expect otherwise.

The market repeatedy demonstrates its inability and/or unwillingness to
self-regulate, however. So legislation, and/or market mechanisms that ensure
corporates pay the full price of their costs to society and the planet, may
well be the only ways to ensure corporates do not, in fact, have untrammeled
rights to sociopathic behaviour.

Corporates are collections of individuals, each presumably capable of
responsible, if not altruistic behaviour.  Why should the standards applied
be lower when we're acting collectively in pursuit of profit compared to
the benchmarks for individual behaviour or that of human collectives whose
goals are not just profit?

A corporation is nothing but a machine to make profit -- why would you
expect it to be otherwise.

Expecting a corporation to do anything which does not directly or
indirectly earn them a profit is as silly as me telling the next
charity that asks me for a donation to engage in commerce and earn
money for it's activities. That's not the purpose of a charity -- it'd
do that only out of sheer necessity if it couldn't raise funds

The point is not that corporations are exempt from good behavior --
it's that *all* institutions will attempt to fulfill their own
purposes. If you want them to do something else, you have to force it
to become part of their purpose.

Don't mistake anything other than a human for a human -- especially a
collection of humans.

-- b

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