On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 10:46:38AM +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:

I'm going to be terribly lame, and comment my own post.
Perhaps it's going to make more sense now, perhaps not.
If it doesn't, this conversation is perhaps not sufficiently
intelligent, and I'll drop it.

> A lot of the original design for the protocols didn't address several
> basic issues.
> - the network was small and irregular

The early ARPAnet had few nodes, typically connected by long-distance
links which were slow, using core for FIFOs. Today's WANs begin at 40 GBit/s
and go up to PBit/s, soon more. There's a dense network coverage --
at least in urban areas. There are GEO and LEO satellite constellations.

> - transfer speed was well below relativistic

Photonic networks work at the speed of light in glass, so
at high data rates a length of fibre is a FIFO. This is
a lot like storing bits as circulating sound waves in 
mercury-filled tubes with ultrasonics transducers.
At mere 1 GBps a bit is just 30 cm short -- in vacuum.
A km gives you a 3 kBit FIFO, which is more than enough
to contain the packet headers, and a bit of the packet.
At TBps it's a cool 3 MBit/km, but it's getting crowded,
because of the many colors. But very short pulses are
multihued by nature, anyway.

Isn't it fun when networking becomes indistinguishable
from physics?

> - logic was electronics, not photonics
> If you fire photons in a fiber FIFO, very much like sending
> information by firing tracer bullets into the night, you want
> to make the routing decision while the packet headers are still
> streaming past you. It is a switch, not a router. Because of timing,

Basically, you're treating you medium (vacuum, fiber) as FIFO,
and use additional photonic delay lines (a length of fiber rolled up,
a little cloud of BEC, whatever) to be able to process your
header information and do your routing decision (on a forked
copy of the original stream) while your data packet spends a 
little time in the waiting loop.

> you need pretty shallow logic, since invididual gate delays add up.

This means your algorithms need to be dead simple. There's absolutely
no time for iterating things, you have to decided within a gate depth
of some 10. This is not much of a handicap: people process complex
stimuli within 50 ms, leaving only few neural processing cascades.

But this is why you need to use a Gray-like coding (no time for
singularities, where many bits in a register flip at once), where
flips are small, and local. A natural surface for a gravitational
assembly is the surface of the sphere, or at least a fair approximation
thereof (a geoid -- mere Ethernet MAC address space allows you to
put one machine/m^2 on Earth suface, or something), or an orbit.
The one encoding that is right is that minimized the amount of
bits flipping and limits the locality of the bit flipping if your
node is in a (circular) orbit. As to the math, let somebody else
do the math.

> Worse, you don't want to convert photons to electrons and back,
> so you preferrably would do this with photonic gates, which are expensive
> in numbers and power dissipation (NLO usually appears at higher fluxes).

There was a time, not too long ago, when a bit toppling out the rack would 
your foot. These times are not quite past in photonics, where a typical
lab assembly easly fills a crowded optics table, or a couple. Integrating a few 
10 kGates
worth photonics upon the area size of you fingernail is yet in our
> The idea is to make an astonishingly dumb network, one that is
> basically only a thin decoration upon this universe's basic laws.
> Once you fire your stream of tracer bullets, they go on own power,
> until they hit a node somewhere, and have to be redirected on the
> fly to a different sky segment.

Our networks are too smart for their own good. You can skip
on the smarts by wiring your network the right way, using
small-world layouts, especially highly regular small-world
layouts. It's still a lot of fiber, which is however laid
at residential, or polis circuit level.

When people are bits, you need one heck of a network crossection.
Especially, since at just 10^6 speedup a wall clock day turns into three
kiloyears, and you can locate objects by their light wavefront delays,
just as we do with sound.
> I've once experimented with node layout on global scale (where the
> geometry is the surface of a sphere, or a concentric thick shell, and
> you can actually build a local-knowledge only routing scheme which
> is quick enough. Basically, you don't store global routes, but 

I don't have to point out that our current protocols have a severe
routing table size growth problem, and that some 10-20% of the
entire global node connectivity isn't really that global. 
There is dark matter on the Internet. And it's probably growing.

> deviations of the local lattice defects from perfection. The node
> address is a binary string representing the current node position
> (something like a polar coordinate system, but with a Gray-like

Polar, because gravity likes things curved (yes, not really,
Einstein, I know).

> encoding with local bit flips and no addressing singularities).

Addressing singularities when crossing imaginary boundaries
can be Bad News. Nothing sucks more like completely losing
flight control at multiple Mach.

> I was thinking about using a hierarchical addressing scheme to
> switch to individual gravitational assemblies (Earth/Moon, Sun,
> galactic system, etc).

Birds revolve about Earth which revolves about our local star,
which revolves around local galaxy center, which form clusters
and superclusters, and so ad infinitum. You can address all of it
with a very modest number of bits, though, of course, a MAC
won't be enough.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820            http://www.ativel.com
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