i thought that my new year's resolution to undertake less plane journeys and if i had to to buy carbon offsets would be the easiest one. happily sitting on my island i avoided booking an air ticket for now almost three months.

now i have to travel to bratislava next weekend and planned to get a carbon offset certificate. in the uk the ngo which is mentioned positively in the media when it comes to offset trade is climatecare (http://www.co2.org/index.cfm) , in germany the government recommends the ngo atmosfair (http://www.atmosfair.de/index.php?id=9&L=3). using both carbon calculators i come up with surprisingly different outcomes.

a) climatecare calculates for a return journey london-bratislava 0,29 tonne carbon emissions and the offset costs gbp 2,20 (about 3,30 euros = 11,38 euros / tonne).

b) atmosfair calculates for the same journey 700 kg carbon emissions and the offset costs 15 euros.
(= 21,43 / tonne).

has anybody looked into the issue of carbon offsets more closely and can recommend me a good organisation?

some of your thoughts about:

climate change appears so much on top of the european political agenda (which i think is a good thing). there are so many scientific reports now on circulation which deal with 'hard facts'. why do they become so soft certainly?

on a side note: i was told on the atmosfair website that an average indian would produce 900 kg carbon emissions / year which appears little having experienced polution in an indian city for half a year. how do people come up with these estimations?

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