
> My problem is that a significant fraction of the spam I get are
> challenges to some forged email purporting to be from a domain I
> control. To the point where *all* challenges are immediately bit
> bucketed.
> It's not that my email to you is "not that important" it's that I
> cannot easily tell your challenge from spam.

   This problem is neatly solved by TMDA.
   Here's how it works:

   When you send an email to me, TMDA tags it with a random-looking 
   string.  The challenge will contain this string, so *your* filter 
   can let easily correlate the tag in the challenge with the string 
   it sent in the original email.

   Thus, it is trivial for your email agent to distinguish 
   between a fake challenge and a real one in a fully 
   automated way.   Read the TMDA docs for more information.

> Challenge response is an automatic noise amplifier in an already noisy
> environment.  You are contributing to everyone else's problem in
> trying to solve yours.

   Again, I believe this is incorrect (see above).

   Speaking of amplification, you seem to have transformed 
   a concern into an accusation rather quickly.  If your human 
   protocol does not include politeness, there's very little 
   point in discussing much else.


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