On an egroup that I moderate, we have been having discussions about
the business ethics,Ior lack thereof, in large Indian companies. t
started with our rating of various Internet Service Providers and went
on to mobile phone companies. Several names were, of course mentioned,
but I am not bringing them in here....but I thought I would like to
share this analysis and the solutions suggested by this friend of mine
from Riyadh:

Why things are so bad even in "Big" companies:

1) Popular feeling among both the elite and common man
that we can't change things as they are.
(imagine if Mahatma Gandhi had felt the same way)

2) Lack of competition (of good service providers)

3) Public not giving incentives (e.g. tips- this is
not bribe- don't we tip the waiter in 5 star hotels)
to good service providers like e.g BSNL staff.

4) Active consumer forums (a person I know- now in his
seventies and severely ill) still runs an active
consumer forum in Chennai. He does not have much

5) Lack of cooperation from Mass media dependent on
advertising (but internet offers a e-solution via
blogs, I think some of us  can start one)

6) Tendency of big companies (at mid levels) to
discriminate from Big and important clients who follow
up and common man clients- who do nothave the time, energy, or money
to keep up the protest.


1) Support neutral (and paid for by subscription)
Product and service Rating agencies (not just credit
but also quality- service etc)

2) Express more often such complaints in public as you
have all just done. My wife( in chennai )every week
complains to me about one or other equipment or
service, as even after paying for it  she never gets a
satisfactory level of quality or service. (This is
still the big difference between such mundane matters
of day to day living abroad and in India)

3) Ask companies to have double tier service- a)
premium service and b) standard service where in
premium they would actually "hear and attend" to

4) Ask several technical people to "comment" on common
problems. E.g. my wife had great difficulty to install
& connect a wifi connetion to laptop (after it has
been installed- it typically cuts of after 40 seconds
as Raj Nair's daughter experienced). She tried several
technicians including from BSNL and then obscure
technician from one of the suburbs fixed it in 2

5) Publicize good performers and help them grow.

6) Suggest a course curricula which can be included in
IIMs and all graduate degrees on "Quality- why it
matters to you and me". May be one of the several
hundred educational institutions may even adopt it.
Let us not forget that IIMA is better because it stuck
to such "quality considerations".

from Riyadh

What do you think...especially about his suggestion on "incentives"?


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