On 8/21/07, Udhay Shankar N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Srini Ramakrishnan wrote [at 12:20 PM 8/21/2007] :
> > > Udhay, who is still mildly puzzled that he never turned into a coder
> >
> >Mac coding isn't coding? Or do you mean a coder in the open source world?
> No, I meant that I'm mildly puzzled that *I* never turned into a
> coder. $DEITY knows that I fit the profile.

Yep. I think I knew Udhay for 2-3 years before I realised he *wasn't*
a programmer. I had always assumed he was a programmer who was arm
twisted into becoming a suit.

-- b (who still amazes people when telling them he's a teetotaler
since he fits the drinker profile so well)

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