On 8/22/07, Chandrachoodan Gopalakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new on this list, though not new to the list.
> I'm Chandru, a copywriter. I worked for a while (and grew up) in Chennai,
> and have recently moved to Dubai. I make a complete fool of myself at first.
> And when enough people have ignored/overlooked me, I take over the world.
> That's right.

You do realise that joining this list is a counterproductive step for
your stated goal of being ignored by the whole world (before taking
over that is). My recommendation would be to disconnect your internet
connection, don sackcloth and ashes, and retire to a cave somewhere to
meditate upon your navel. Most people would ignore you that way.

Alternatively you could join a software company and make sensible
suggestions. That has always worked for me.

-- b

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