shiv sastry wrote: [ on 05:48 AM 10/3/2007 ]

The US kicked Al Keeda in the butt and the US has been free from such attacks
since. India OTOH mollified, mollycoddled and buggered about and has lost at
least a thousand people to terrorists since 9-11.

I find the thesis that the US has "kicked Al Keeda in the butt" unconvincing.

Accepting this for the purposes of argument, however:


The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11

In February 2007, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that war costs for
the next 10 years might total about $472 billion if troop levels fell to 30,000 by 2010, or $919 billion if troop levels fell to 75,000 by about 2013. Under such assumptions and adjusting for the FY2007 Supplemental, total funding for Iraq, Afghanistan and
the GWOT could reach from about $1 trillion to $1.45 trillion by 2017.

With this as background, it would be instructive to compare GDP growth rates in India and the US since September 2001.

What was your point, again?


((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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