On 10/3/07, ashok_ wrote:

>If people are gullible enough to believe something,
>they should be allowed to.

Well..I would take exception, on principle, to that word "gullible",
which I think is a value judgement. In matters of religious faith,
there are only different beliefs..if someone has a belief that hes
horse is the tenth avatar of Vishnu, do I have rationally acceptable
proof to the contrary? It is only when people begin interfering with
others' lives in the name of those beliefs that mischief brews.

And I also object to anyone being "allowed" to do anything...it
reminds of the Omani minister who told me, "in Oman women are allowed
to be the equal of men."


On 10/3/07, ashok _ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/3/07, Venkat Mangudi wrote:
> > The "allowed to write" was directed at us, the receivers, not the powers
> > that be. I believe that some percentage of people who read such articles
> > are gullible enough to believe it. Freedom of speech is abused big time
> > to such a point that it has become a joke.
> >
> Going by that argument, the first thing that would disappear would be
> religious freedom. If people are gullible enough to believe something,
> they should be allowed to.

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