Hey Silklisters! I'm working on a new novel that includes some action set among young gold farmers working in a special economic zone in India. At this stage, I haven't made up my mind as to where this should be, which is why I'm soliciting your advice.

I want a location that is:

* Rapidly "westernizing"

* Controlled by local special economic zone regs that are hard on labour unions and soft on environmental controls

* Diverse in terms of the backgrounds, languages, and faiths of the resident/workers

* At least partially successful in attaining economic development goals

I have been leaning towards Chennai, which, I believe, is a close approximation of this, but you folks are the experts.

Additionally, I'm seeking advice regarding:

* Reading materials to get better briefed on the region

* Local contacts who could help me get around and see the sights, meet some local workers and factory owners and gov't officials, etc, at some point in the next 6-8 months

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Cory Doctorow

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