On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 6:03 AM, Ramakrishnan Sundaram wrote:
>>> Maybe one day we will get over that fixation.
>> Perhaps a bit after people in New York get over that fixation, but we
> Indian companies in the Middle East use this to their advantage. There
> are a bunch of (mostly Brit) aging expats who have invested in good
> suits, and are hired to take along to meetings.

its much the same in many countries in africa, especially when dealing
with governments. A company i used to work for had a 'token white' with
a marketing director designation. He used to make an appearance only
at pre-sales meetings, give a bright smile all around and leave the rest to
the others... (a british accent especially, goes a long way, american not
that much probably for some colonial hangover sort of reason......)

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