On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 7:18 PM, Rishab Aiyer Ghosh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i love this. FSF's defective by design campaign has hundreds of people
> booking slots to talk to apple's "genius" experts at apple stores to ask
> them detailed questions on apple's insanely proprietary strategies.
> real-world ddos :-)

I've been really interested in this. WordPress' recent volley hasn't
gotten enough attention. Their whole site for the iPhone app screams,
"please just try to make us stop." With, "code is poetry," at the
bottom of the page, they've positioned themselves well.


What I'm really disturbed about is that in roughly 6 months, since the
iPhone Developer program started, and the release of the iPhone 2.0
SDK people were annoyed by the NDA, but put up with it. When Apple
didn't discontinue the NDA after iPhone OS 2.0 (a few weeks) this
movement galvanized. Weeks. Very impressive.

Jump to the video game industry, where NDAs precisely like this have
not yet had a single movement against them since 1985. 23 Years and no
movement. More restrictive NDAs. Not a peep. What is the difference?
It's something I'm planning to empirically investigate.


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