On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 9:00 PM, Suresh Ramasubramanian

> Sean Doyle [18/08/08 13:23 -0400]:
>> Remember to stock up on the directional lights and headlights - they have
>> to
>> be changed often (at least my experience with a 2000 Beetle). The first
>> year
>> I had to replace at least one directional bulb a month; I still have to
>> replace the headlight bulbs every 6 months or so.
>> Otherwise - a nice car.
> Nah, unfortunately, I bought myself a suzuki estilo (tiny little hatchback,
> in hot pink no less.. what www.zenestilo.com says is fusion purple - blame
> my 3 year old daughter for that if you will)

Nice color - thanks. My 5 year old daughter would like it - she gets upset
when I talk about repainting the car as a scarab beetle and would rather it
be pink.

>        srs

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