On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Biju Chacko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I strongly suspect that a majority of folks on this list have more
> gadgets than are good for them. I know that my significant other has
> threatened me with dire consequences if I buy anymore.

heh, that has happened to you too? I have been demarcated a gadget
closet by my SO and unpleasant consequences are supposed to follow if
stray pieces of wire, screws, chargers, batteries and what have you
leak out from their confined spaces to the holiest of holies, the
dining table or the living room. I do my best to comply, which is
sadly not all that effective. So far she's been a sport and pretended
not to notice :-)

Cheeni (aka Time Zone Cowboy)
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