> carrying a gun (or any weapon) is a bad idea, unless you actually
> intend to use it.  With a gun, it means you have to be prepared to
> cause a fatality.
> i carry a rubber whip made out of an old truck tire -- and also a
> rungu (a kind of truncheon) in my car - the usual threat
> to deal with
> here are either shit-throwing-extortionist-street-kids ... or rowdy
> matatu (taxi-bus) touts ... i have used the whip / and the truncheon
> on one occasion each and both times i struck the first blow and the
> confrontation ended there.

Do I detect a contradiction here (in what you said above)?

The whole idea of carrying a gun is to simply wield it. Then the pink chaddis 
will run like hell. If they dont, aim for the pink chaddis, literally. Then the 
pink chaddis will run like hell. If they dont, aim a little lower and pull the 

You dont always cause a fatality with a gun if you know what you are doing. The 
discussions here are all assuming more.

And a cool headed lady can handle it better, than a whip wielding guy.


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