I have just downloaded a remarkable analysis from the Economist, which
predicts 3 primary scenarios for the global economy over the next few years.

More as I digest it, but the full report is here for thos of you who
want to read and comment:




If things feel bad now, how much worse could they get?

In line with our previous risk reports (Heading for the Rocks and
Shooting the Rapids), we have identified three macroeconomic scenarios
for the evolution of the crisis that began in the US sub-prime mortgage
market and is now reverberating throughout the world economy.

Scenario 1: Our central forecast (60% probability)

Government stimulus stabilises the global financial system and restores
economic growth in leading developed markets during 2010, albeit at
lower levels than in recent years. This scenario underpins our regular
analysis and is not the subject of this report.

Scenario 2: The main risk scenario (30% probability)

Stimulus fails, leading to continued asset price deflation and sustained
contraction in the leading economies—a depression persisting for some
years. The stubborn decline in global economic activity is punctuated by
occasional rallies that are taken as signs of recovery, but these
quickly fade as the underlying downward trend reasserts itself. The
prominent role of governments in propping up banks and reviving domestic
demand leads to strong political pressure for protectionism, effectively
putting the process of globalisation into reverse.

Scenario 3: The alternative risk scenario (10% probability)

Failing confidence in the dollar leads to its collapse, and the search
for alternative safe-havens proves fruitless.

Economic upheaval sharply raises the risk of social unrest and violent
protest. A Political Instability Index covering 165 countries, developed
for this report, highlights the countries particularly vulnerable to
political instability as a result of economic distress. The results of
the index are displayed in map form and in a ranking table in the centre
pages, along with a brief methodology.

The political implications of the economic downturn, informed by the
results of the Social and Political Unrest Index, are discussed at
length in the second half of the report.

The full report, in both PDF and HTML format, is available online at
www.eiu.com/special. The microsite includes a full methodology for the
Political Instability Index, a complete ranking of results including a
comparison with the results for 2007, and a large-format version of the map.

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))

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