> > Marriage has historically been an economic arrangement first and
> > foremost, a partnership to weather the rough waters of life. Ancient
> > Rome at the peak of its affluence saw a decline in marriages because
> > people saw no reason to marry. This led to the introduction of the tax
> > sop for married couples that most modern states continue to this day.
> Shot in the dark - skewed sex ratio apart, what about female life
> expectancy, infant mortality rates?
> If females had lower life expectancy and infant mortality was high,
> society as such would move to polygamy. Once female and male life
> expectancy got closer, and infant mortality rate was lower, given the
> need for a proper home for the child, society as a whole would have
> encouraged monogamy.
I watched a multi-part series about vervet monkeys on National Geographic.
It seemed to (savagely) explain why we are compelled to behave in certain
ways we think we are consciously choosing (oh, yes, there was blood). We
just invent the justifications post-facto.

In the 24th Century, Picard will remind us that we're better than this...
and we don't need Propecia or Rogaine.

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