Thought this was interesting :)

*Scientists have shown scratching helps relieve an itch as it blocks
activity in some spinal cord nerve cells that transmit the sensation to the

However, the effect only seems to occur during itchiness itself - scratching
at other times makes no difference.

While it is widely-known scratching relieves an itch, the physiological
mechanisms for how this works are little understood.

The University of Minnesota study appears in Nature Neuroscience.

Previous research has suggested that a specific part of the spinal cord -
the spinothalamic tract - plays a key role.

Nerve cells in this area have been shown to be more active when itchy
substances are applied to the skin.

Blocks activity

The latest work, in primates, found that scratching the skin blocks activity
of nerve cells in the spinothalamic tract during itchiness - preventing the
spinal cord from transmitting signals from the scratched area of skin to the

Researcher Dr Glenn Giesler hopes the work could lead to ways to relieve
chronic itch effectively for the first time. However, he said more
information was still needed about the chemistry underpinning the effect.

Professor Gil Yosipovitch, an expert on itching from Wake Forest University
in North Carolina, said the finding was "potentially significant".

He said: "Although there is a long way to go, methods that can induce a
pleasurable scratch sensation without damaging the skin, via mechanical
stimuli or drugs that can inhibit these neurons, could be developed to treat
chronic itch."

However, Professor Yosipovitch stressed that scratching and itching were
complex phenomena involving factors such as emotions as well as physiology.

"The main open question is what happens in patients who suffer from chronic
itch where scratching may actually aggravate itch perception."

Professor Patrick Haggard, of University College London, said: "We all know
that scratching helps alleviate itch, but this elegant study helps to show
how this mechanism works.

"It's an interesting illustration of a very general principle of the brain
controlling its own inputs, in this case by making movements that triggers
an interaction between scratchy touch and itch."

Dr Paul Bays, based at UCL's Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, agreed
that the study provided an important part of a physiological explanation for
how the sensation of itch is reduced.

"However, it is still unclear why scratching should have this effect, or why
it is only effective for itches and not for painful sensations - which are
transmitted to the brain through the same pathway."


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