> Will someone please invent a USB breathalizer so I don't send things like
> this at times like now. :-)

And when I get ripped a new one for writing this, I'll assume its in good
humor, and savor the fact that the folks who tried to vote in their dream of
America being their "Christian Nation," got their asses handed to them last
November. They're welcome to make their homes a Christian Nation, but
America is a secular nation -- just look up Ben Franklin's, John Adam's (2nd
Pres of US), and Thomas Jefferson's (Polymath and 3rd US President) quotes
on Christianity (or religion in general). I just watched Bill Mahar's
documentary "Religulous" and it's amazing what some American Christians
think Jesus said that he never did say or mean. How convenient to them
though, huh? Seems to perfectly alighn with their own self-interests.

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