> For a non-biodegradable component of the landfill, the carbon footprint
> should be zero, right, since it is not discharging GHGs into the
> atmosphere.
> It's only when the stuff is combusted that the footprint is calculated.
> This
> is not considering the cost of transporting the trash to the landfill.

There's an opportunity cost to a landfill - you could forest the area
instead. My question was more about how trivial or significant that
opportunity cost was.

> Probably not, but if one considers the land investment for constructing
> airports, I'd imagine that those costs are more or less the same, if not
> less for high-speed rail systems. Again, I haven't drilled into this in
> much
> detail, but just going by what seems reasonable to me.

But with airports you construct only the airports, while for the rail
systems you construct rail terminals, rail lines, depots and so forth.
Ofcourse this is handwaving until I get the numbers (in acreage as well as
money). I will JFGI... eventually.
But since we're now on costs and money - acquiring rights of way for a rail
line would cost a lot of money, and a lot of this would be transaction costs
since we're talking a whole bunch of landowners. With the same money you
could buy up contiguous land, forest it, and offset the carbon dioxide the
air transport was generating, no?

Aadisht Khanna
Address for mailing lists: aadisht.gro...@gmail.com
Personal address: aadi...@aadisht.net

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