On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Kiran K Karthikeyan <
kiran.karthike...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Saying no is tough in India. I once had an onsite manager who sent a
> stinker
> to the entire offshore top management because I refused to send out an
> updated document at 12 in the night. I was so pissed I didn't think and
> instantly did a reply-all with clear-cut reasons why I couldn't. Thankfully
> the managers were understanding and actually complimented me for doing so.

You're lucky dude. Most places I know, people would have got chewed out for
doing that. The customer is king, is always right, even when he isn't, etc

> > And that the causes are
> > as much to do with our own inability to say "no" (to customers, to
> bosses,
> > to our own urges to fit everything in) as anything else.
> The worst part is that most US clients take Indians working 12 hours a day
> or more for granted. And our ineptitude for saying no increases when
> speaking to the white folk. We shoot ourselves in the foot as soon as a
> project starts by committing to unrealistic timelines which even a
> sensibile
> non-techie can see is impossible.

We bring it upon ourselves...and every Indian who behaves in a subservient
way just makes it more difficult for others to say no!

- Mo

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