Sun, 31 May 2009 20:42:53 +0530 Udhay Shankar N <>

> Thaths wrote, [on 5/31/2009 8:32 PM]:
> >>
> >
> > As it says on the cover: Part 1 of 6. Pre-pubescent American girls
> > will never ever accept this sort of ending. I think this is a nice
> > manufactured controversy by the publishers to increase sales.
> Obviously. Like the death of Superman, and now Batman. And the deaths of
> various characters in various TV series, all of which were eventually
> revealed to be a dream, or mistaken identity, or...
> Udhay

....and, here in India, a certain Ms. Ekta KAPOOR is popularly credited with
introducing reincarnations and re-appearances of dead characters...of
course, all very dramatic.


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