Sriram Karra wrote, [on 6/3/2009 10:10 AM]:

> Are there any generally accepted 'seminal'/'critically acclaimed' books
> (preferably in English) on the anti-brahmin movement in Tamil Nadu?

A cousin of mine[1] wrote a well-received[2] book[3] on this topic. I
asked him to comment on your request, and here's what he had to say:

At the risk of being presumptuous, I might
suggest that your friend start with my book, Ethnicity and Populist
Mobilization (Oxford University Press, 1999).  The discussion of the
early history of non-Brahmanism in Eugene Irschick's 1969 book might
also interest him.  And if he is in the mood for a misleading and
patchily researched pro-Dravidianist book, he can look at M.S.S.
Pandian, Brahmin/ Non-Brahmin.


((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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