> On Friday 21 Aug 2009 12:29:32 pm Supriya Nair wrote:
>Surely (electronic) cremation is gaining popularity
>because it's less of a bother on several levels than

Its *electric* unless of course someone has invented something new using 
electronics. Considering the energy needed to do that it will still be 

IMHO we should discourage all forms of cremation simply due to the energy(fuel) 
wasted in converting what is essentially bio-degradable waste into pollutants 
which harm the environment. (rivers included)

Just think of the potential accidents that can occur (ash inhalation in case 
the urn fell somewhere).

> The USP of cremation is that it dos not require the
>reservation of real  eastate for your rotten remains
>for years after you are dead.

OTOH we could invent some shredder which converts it all into some sort of 
mincemeat which can be safely converted into fertilizer or something.


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