> > There are only three 'r's in errors.

No, if you hesitate and make a mistake it's errror or as many
..errrrrrr...r's (don't spell it any other way) as you hesitate.

And who knows, a "numerologist" or a "nameologist" may ask Rajesh to become

Rajesh, another imporrrrrtant rule here (sometimes breached!) is..no ad
hominem. Ridicule an opinion but not the person expressing it. This is one
of the main reasons I stay on this list, after experiences with extremely
intelligent and educated people behaving like children in a nursery....

And I do love the thread drrrrrrift :)

I'm still waiting for the answer to "why did you give up the practice of
medicine, given that it is at least five years of  rigorous training?"

Cheers, Deepa.

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