On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 8:25 PM, Vinayak Hegde <vinay...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Upstream... huh?  Expand please? -Tim
> Harald Welte (netfilter hacker) had linked to a good presentation
> called "Android Mythbusters"[1] sometime back. Not sure if the issues
> mentioned have changed since then.
> -- Vinayak
> 1. http://laforge.gnumonks.org/weblog/2009/11/04/

So, he disagrees with the way the Android flavor of Linux is
structured and says "I can't wait until somebody rips it apart and
replaces the system layer with a standard GNU/Linux distribution with
Dalvik ".  Because it's GPL'ed free software, the Android people can
give the strategy that he disagrees with a try, and because it's
GPL'ed free software, Harald is free to try to do exactly what he
proposes, not just hope someone else does.  (Well, actually, the
Android parts are Apache license not GPL, but he's still free to do
that).  It seems to me clearly outside the spirit of FLOSS to sneer at
someone else's distro just because it's different.

Android devices are currently in more pockets than the sum total of
all previous efforts to make Linux usefully portable, so one could
argue that the evidence isn't on Harald's side. Do we know *why* the
Android people did these in-his-view horrible things? Actually, I
don't either.  But it sure is nice to have a polished commercial phone
in my pocket that I can run a shell on. -T

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