On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Vinayak Hegde <vinay...@gmail.com> wrote:

> For music I would recommend Quod Libet[1]. Amarok 1.4.x was good.
> Unfortunately they decided to do a rewrite in 2.x series and several
> of the features that I wanted such as queue manager are missing. I
> litsen to complete albums and individual songs mixed so Quod libet.
> The Queue manager and support for different formats is really good in
> Quod libet. Also it scrobbles my songs with the lastfmsubmitd (As all
> my music prefs are now on last.fm)
> Let me know if you come across a good solution for batch processing
> and auto-adjusting of Raw Images. It has been a persistent problem for
> me as well.

My project has gone from speculation to execution following the (second)
death of my Mac. The same graphics crapout as last time.

So: all my data is now on the Ubuntu desktop that used to be my media
server. The box has moved from the bedroom to my desk, and I'm now fully
engaged with Project No Apple Dependence.

Which was just two items anyway:

1. The newly GPLed Raw Therapee 3.0 alpha doesn't suck, which is saying a

2. There's a iTunes metadata import script for Rhythmbox which mostly works.
It turns out iTunes hadn't properly written IDv3 tags on some songs, and
since Rhythmbox now recognises them as something else, the script failed to
transfer their metadata (rating and play count).

I tried Quod Libet, but fail to be impressed. It's got a wee bit of an "I
know you're smart, so I won't make things simple for you" attitude.

I then tried Banshee. The new version from the Ubuntu PPA finally has
working iTunes import. It copied the metadata over correctly, but converted
all my smart playlists to static ones. Since I only use a handful, I can
redo those. No worries. My music will live with Banshee for now.

I will now give de-iTunification a proper run. This means:

1. Reformat the iPod to something Banshee can handle.
2. Find some other way to manage Nike+ (I don't use nikeplus.com, but
Dailymile syncs with it, so that's convenient).
3. Get Banshee syncing with my Android phone. It looks like there's a plugin
4. I moved podcasts to Google Listen and vidcasts to Miro some time ago, so
those are not of concern, but videos on the iPod would be nice.


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