I'm in bangalore most of the 12th (at a kqa quiz - institute of
agricultural technologists, queens road, next to the ESI).

If someone wants to meet up there or try their luck as part of a 4
member team in kqa's megawhats .. go ahead.

On Wednesday 08 December 2010 10:39 AM, Venkat Mangudi wrote:
> Cheeni is coming to India next week. Tweeple generally agreed to catch
> up. It appears everyone has agreed to meet on the 14th, which happens to
> be a Tuesday. Udhay has volunteered me to get this rolling, so here
> goes. Show of hands please, if you are attending.
> 1. Cheeni
> 2. Udhay
> 3. Madman (are you back by the 14th?)
> 4. Gautam
> 5. Gabin
> 6. Ashwin
> 7. Venkat
> Who else? Suggestions for venue please. Considering that it is a
> weekday, I will have to leave latest by 10 p.m.

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