One would think it'd be interesting to read Bruce Sterling on a topic like this. But other than good prose, there is surprisingly little new light that is shed. And while he does well in exploring the human side of it, it is troublesome that he of all people makes it seems as though all that Wikileaks has ever done is publish US diplomatic cables.

The world has lousy diplomacy now. It’s dysfunctional. The world corps 
diplomatique are weak, really weak, and the US diplomatic corps, which used to 
be the senior and best-engineered outfit there, is rattling around bottled-up 
in blast-proofed bunkers. It’s scary how weak and useless they are.

US diplomats used to know what to do with dissidents in other nations. If they 
were communists they got briskly repressed, but if they had anything like a 
free-market outlook, then US diplomats had a whole arsenal of gentle and 
supportive measures; Radio Free Europe, publication in the West, awards, 
foreign travel, flattery, moral support; discreet things, in a word, but 
exceedingly useful things. Now they’re harassing Julian by turning those tools 

For a US diplomat, Assange is like some digitized nightmare-reversal of a 
kindly Cold War analog dissident. He read the dissident playbook and he 
downloaded it as a textfile; but, in fact, Julian doesn’t care about the USA. 
It’s just another obnoxious national entity. He happens to be more or less 
Australian, and he’s no great enemy of America. If he’d had the chance to leak 
Australian cables he would have leapt on that with the alacrity he did on 
Kenya. Of course, when Assange did it to that meager little Kenya, all the 
grown-ups thought that was groovy; he had to hack a superpower in order to 
touch the third rail.

But the American diplomatic corps, and all it thinks it represents, is just 
collateral damage between Assange and his goal. He aspires to his transparent 
crypto-utopia in the way George Bush aspired to imaginary weapons of mass 
destruction. And the American diplomatic corps are so many Iraqis in that 
crusade. They’re the civilian casualties.

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