Thanks everyone! I am leaving India tonight with a full suitcase.

In return for all the kindness, I have a return recommendation:

Red Plenty is a superbly footnoted semi fictional/historical
recounting of the heady days of post-Stalin Khrushchev-spring and the
seeming relentless advance of 10% annual GDP growth of the planned

Any parallels to contemporary projections of world economic domination
from extrapolations is left as an exercise to the reader.


On Tuesday, January 11, 2011, Zainab Bawa <> wrote:
>> I loved Alice Albinia's 'Empires of the Indus,' which came out a couple of 
>> years ago, both here and in the UK. Albinia treks up the Indus from mouth to 
>> source, exploring geography, history and community over each region she 
>> covers. She's a superb writer and the book deserved, I think, more 
>> international attention than it got. I get the feeling this book keeps 
>> cropping up on Silk discussions but since it hasn't in this thread, I bring 
>> it up again.
> + 1 - it is a fabulous book! Loved every page I read of it. Highly recommend!

Marge: Quick, somebody perform CPR!
Homer: Umm (singing) I see a bad moon rising.
Marge: That's CCR!
Homer: Looks like we're in for nasty weather.
Sudhakar Chandra                                    Slacker Without Borders

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