Dear Gayatri

I don't know who you are. I don't know if you are a member of Silk List. I 
prefer to continue silk list discussions on the list and do not encourage any 
off list discussions unless they are private, personal issues. I am therefore 
going to forward this reply to silk list as well for comments. As a long term 
member of the list I find this email and the topic odd, but am willing to 
discuss anything on the terms that the list has always followed. 

I am not interested in getting inot a spat with anyone but will not back down 
easily if I am pulled into a spat for no reason. I am fully capable of 
defending my viewpoint and have the reputation of being called a frothing RSS 
chaddiwala by some people and a pseudosecularist by others.I do not say things 
lightly and say the same things everywhere without special modification for the 
intended audience. I am me and will remain that way. 

Thanks if you understand


On Friday 05 Aug 2011 10:43:40 am you wrote:
> Hello Shiv:
> You must not presume to know what Anand has going on in his head when he
> posts something\
> . By calling the email "India-Forum" quality, you are being a bit
> presumptive. One can s\
> afely assume that there is a motive for the post - there is at least one
> very, very obvi\
> ous possible motive for the post, something that doesn't seem to have
> occurred to you.
> You seem to be misunderstanding the tone and the tenor of the posts. The
>  aim is to produ\
> ce a more thoughtful discussion. Perhaps you could prove me wrong? Could
>  you maybe trans\
> late this post into Hindi or preferably Sanskrit, so we at least know that
> you understan\
> d the posted comment interms of tense and mood. Sanskrit would be
>  preferable since tense\
>  and mood tends to come out very weel in that language. There is a pretty
> good and obvio\
> us reason for making the "India beat Pakistan" post as well.
> Anyway, Anand has a certain fondness for people who serve the public
> interest in India a\
> nd would not like to get into a very public disagreement/spat/quareel with
> you. I hope t\
> his is not prompted by any of his previous remarks on Pakistan, et cetera.
> Sometimes, to\
> ne can be misunderstood. It is very hard to know what people mean unless
> there is some b\
> ack-and-forth. Public spats don't help anyone. Theysimply create
> unnescessary ill-will.
> These are important matters that affect India and hence this special effort
> to reach out\
> .

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