The first people to come to mind on reading this are Thaths and Cheeni - as
this has significant overlap with one of our collective favourite
hobbyhorses: "work" vs. "life".

This is an interesting speculation (if deliberately framed to get the
maximum number of page views). My personal opinion is that a lot of people
are likely to be forced to learn how to work with their hands soon [1], so
this may be moot. But it is still an important discussion.



[1] Peak oil / climate change / economic meltdown etc.

Are jobs obsolete?
By Douglas Rushkoff, Special to CNN

Editor's note: Douglas Rushkoff is a media theorist and the author of
"Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age" and "Life Inc:
How Corporatism Conquered the World and How We Can Take it Back."

(CNN) -- The U.S. Postal Service appears to be the latest casualty in
digital technology's slow but steady replacement of working humans. Unless
an external source of funding comes in, the post office will have to scale
back its operations drastically, or simply shut down altogether. That's
600,000 people who would be out of work, and another 480,000 pensioners
facing an adjustment in terms.

We can blame a right wing attempting to undermine labor, or a left wing
trying to preserve unions in the face of government and corporate cutbacks.
But the real culprit -- at least in this case -- is e-mail. People are
sending 22% fewer pieces of mail than they did four years ago, opting for
electronic bill payment and other net-enabled means of communication over
envelopes and stamps.

New technologies are wreaking havoc on employment figures -- from EZpasses
ousting toll collectors to Google-controlled self-driving automobiles
rendering taxicab drivers obsolete. Every new computer program is basically
doing some task that a person used to do. But the computer usually does it
faster, more accurately, for less money, and without any health insurance

We like to believe that the appropriate response is to train humans for
higher level work. Instead of collecting tolls, the trained worker will fix
and program toll-collecting robots. But it never really works out that way,
since not as many people are needed to make the robots as the robots

And so the president goes on television telling us that the big issue of our
time is jobs, jobs, jobs -- as if the reason to build high-speed rails and
fix bridges is to put people back to work. But it seems to me there's
something backwards in that logic. I find myself wondering if we may be
accepting a premise that deserves to be questioned.

I am afraid to even ask this, but since when is unemployment really a
problem? I understand we all want paychecks -- or at least money. We want
food, shelter, clothing, and all the things that money buys us. But do we
all really want jobs?

We're living in an economy where productivity is no longer the goal,
employment is. That's because, on a very fundamental level, we have pretty
much everything we need. America is productive enough that it could probably
shelter, feed, educate, and even provide health care for its entire
population with just a fraction of us actually working.

According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, there is enough
food produced to provide everyone in the world with 2,720 kilocalories per
person per day. And that's even after America disposes of thousands of tons
of crop and dairy just to keep market prices high. Meanwhile, American banks
overloaded with foreclosed properties are demolishing vacant dwellings Video
to get the empty houses off their books.

Our problem is not that we don't have enough stuff -- it's that we don't
have enough ways for people to work and prove that they deserve this stuff.

Jobs, as such, are a relatively new concept. People may have always worked,
but until the advent of the corporation in the early Renaissance, most
people just worked for themselves. They made shoes, plucked chickens, or
created value in some way for other people, who then traded or paid for
those goods and services. By the late Middle Ages, most of Europe was
thriving under this arrangement.

The only ones losing wealth were the aristocracy, who depended on their
titles to extract money from those who worked. And so they invented the
chartered monopoly. By law, small businesses in most major industries were
shut down and people had to work for officially sanctioned corporations
instead. From then on, for most of us, working came to mean getting a "job."

The Industrial Age was largely about making those jobs as menial and
unskilled as possible. Technologies such as the assembly line were less
important for making production faster than for making it cheaper, and
laborers more replaceable. Now that we're in the digital age, we're using
technology the same way: to increase efficiency, lay off more people, and
increase corporate profits.

While this is certainly bad for workers and unions, I have to wonder just
how truly bad is it for people. Isn't this what all this technology was for
in the first place? The question we have to begin to ask ourselves is not
how do we employ all the people who are rendered obsolete by technology, but
how can we organize a society around something other than employment? Might
the spirit of enterprise we currently associate with "career" be shifted to
something entirely more collaborative, purposeful, and even meaningful?

Instead, we are attempting to use the logic of a scarce marketplace to
negotiate things that are actually in abundance. What we lack is not
employment, but a way of fairly distributing the bounty we have generated
through our technologies, and a way of creating meaning in a world that has
already produced far too much stuff.

The communist answer to this question was just to distribute everything
evenly. But that sapped motivation and never quite worked as advertised. The
opposite, libertarian answer (and the way we seem to be going right now)
would be to let those who can't capitalize on the bounty simply suffer. Cut
social services along with their jobs, and hope they fade into the distance.

But there might still be another possibility -- something we couldn't really
imagine for ourselves until the digital era. As a pioneer of virtual
reality, Jaron Lanier, recently pointed out, we no longer need to make stuff
in order to make money. We can instead exchange information-based products.

We start by accepting that food and shelter are basic human rights. The work
we do -- the value we create -- is for the rest of what we want: the stuff
that makes life fun, meaningful, and purposeful.

This sort of work isn't so much employment as it is creative activity.
Unlike Industrial Age employment, digital production can be done from the
home, independently, and even in a peer-to-peer fashion without going
through big corporations. We can make games for each other, write books,
solve problems, educate and inspire one another -- all through bits instead
of stuff. And we can pay one another using the same money we use to buy real

For the time being, as we contend with what appears to be a global economic
slowdown by destroying food and demolishing homes, we might want to stop
thinking about jobs as the main aspect of our lives that we want to save.
They may be a means, but they are not the ends.

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Douglas

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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