On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 10:56:36AM +0530, Udhay Shankar N wrote:
> I like the first comment at the below URL.
> <quote>
> New, Reusable Materials Could Pull CO2 Straight from Air
> Yeah, they're called "plants". Big ones are called trees.

Let's say I want to dump renewable surplus during peak
(wind on a gushy day or a sunny midday) into methane
(via Sabatier) or methanol.

Nothing against plants (I heat with seasoned hardwood)
but they don't harvest themselves, reseed themselves,
deliver themselves as gas or liquid so that I can feed
them to a plant (the chemical kind).

So energy-efficient CO2 scrubbers from air or flue gas 
are quite interesting. Particularly, if you want to push
for higher efficiencies (plants are typically less than
1% efficient in terms of biomass fixation).

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