The Bristolian accent is markedly different from West Country.

The very name Bristol owes its origins to the Bristol accent.
Brigstowe becomes Bristol because of the tendency of locals to add an
L to words ending with a vowel sound.

Along the south/south west coast of England, you'll run into a dozen
plus accents. And then there's welsh, cockney, wilts, berks, york,
geordie, brummie etc accents. It's quite amazing.

A bit like Tamil accents north to south of the state.

(Pardon phone mail. Unintentional top posts)


On 3/12/12, Charles Haynes <> wrote:
> I loved Bristol, especially the Forest of Dean and scrumpy! I love the
> West Country accent too. Beautiful country, nice people.
> -- Charles

Sent from my mobile device


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