On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 7:00 AM, Sruthi Krishnan <srukr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What to me seemed like a sensible response to Roy's essay.

What a generous "dharma adi" [0] (charity beating) Ms. Roy is getting
:) No comments about Sainath then?


[0] Dharma adi is what happens when some poor hapless soul is caught
by a frustrated crowd for some minor crime, but given a good thrashing
nonetheless by all and sundry in the vicinity because it feels good to
relieve some stress. I've seen this happen to petty criminals in the
bazaar of course, but also I recall the last day of high school when
all scores between the boys were settled and the slate was wiped clean
by this method. Someone would creep up on the victim and dump a jacket
over his head, and then it was a free for all - everyone was friends

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