Welcome Deepak. Glad to have another cyclist aboard. I did Chennai to Pondy
a few months back. A long ride, but a flat one, with a delicious dinner
waiting at your destination. Highly recommended! Where have you done some
of your best cycling in India?

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 9:10 PM, Deepak Malani <malani.dee...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I discovered silklist while exploring a recent book "Return to India" by
> Shoba Narayan. Thankyou Udhay.
> I like to read non-fiction books, especially biographies and memoirs; and
> content with constructivist themes.
> Some of the book-reviews I have written can be found on my blog[1].
> With my background in engineering, I love ideating and building things.
> I have built some electronic product prototypes (speedometer for my
> bicycle and consumer electronics akin to a home media server).
> Currently, I am researching some deeper aspects in this field at iit
> bombay.
> Did I mention cycling?
> While in Bangalore, I took up cycling to commute to my workplace and
> recreational long-distance rides.
> Did a four-day self-supported cycling tour in Western Ghats. I continue to
> do 100km rides with biking groups in Mumbai.
> For cross-training, I tried running distances, but rather enjoyed
> organizing a running event[2].
> Social discovery and communicating with people around have recently
> grabbed my time spent on internet.
> I have conceived of a mobile application that finds and lets you interact
> with people around you wherever you go.
> With booming support for startups now-a-days, I hope to take a dive in
> taking ideas to market.
> Sharing my learnings takes me to students and teachers.
> I like to volunteer some time for doing activity-based-learning
> workshops/projects in schools.
> More about my pursuits: www.deepakmalani.in
> Hope to participate in conversations with you all.
> [1] deepak-malani.blogspot.in/search/label/book
> [2] sntrun.org
> Regards,
> Deepak

Caitlin Marinelli

blog: http://caitlinmarinelli.wordpress.com/
cell (India): +91 7305598165

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