For a moment, I thought you were saying you loved a llama called "The
Shadow of the Wind", but chalk that down to me waiting to hit the
translate button that Gmail helpfully offers. :)

It's a fabulous novel, though, even in the translated English. Any
thoughts on the follow-up prequel, El Juego Del Ángel?

2013/1/9 Caitlin Marinelli <>:
> Bueno Radhika, - que tipo de libro te gusta leer? Ficcion? Supongo que ya
> has leido Cien Años de Soledad? Una novela que me encanta se llama "La
> Sombra Del Viento" - de Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Una mezcla de historia, comedia,
> tragedia - ambientado en la Barcelona. Se puede leerlo en ingles, tambien,
> ya que es un "bestseller" mundial, pero es mas rico leer algo en su idioma
> nativa, creo yo. Que lo disfrutes!
> On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 2:24 AM, Radhika, Y. <> wrote:
>> the good news Caitlin is that you got me to look at and read the link. I
>> have to sometimes restrain myself from responding too much so in my "old
>> age" have taken to silence;-) btw, couldn't help noticing that you speak
>> Spanish....I am at a high intermediate level and am looking for reading
>> suggestions. Any thoughts? I promise to respond in English or Spanish:-)
>> Radhika
> --
> Caitlin Marinelli
> blog:
> cell (Mumbai): +91 9820207217

Sumant Srivathsan

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