Happy 4th anniversary, Stef and Indro!

I'd be most interested in your account of your experiences in India over
4+ years.


On 17-Sep-08 10:51 AM, Stephanie Whiting wrote:
> Hi,
> I got the welcome mail asking me to introduce myself, I'm Stephanie Whiting
> and I am a 24 year old American citizen, who intends to move and settle in
> Kolkata, India in around a year's time as I have met and fallen in love with
> an Indian guy. Right now I am working on finishing my bachelors degree in
> Criminal Justice, with no idea what to do with it.
> Right now we are working on figuring out exactly what visa I need to get in
> order to arrive (whether to come in on a simple tourist visa and apply for a
> entry visa or what not) and be able to stay in India after we marry. I worry
> about the culture shock and the learning the language (bengali
> specifically).
> Stephanie Whiting

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))

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