On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 6:55 PM, Thaths <tha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Vinayak Hegde <vinay...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > We still follow socialistic policies when they have failed the world
> over.
> >
> Really? Have they now? That the Nordic Model is failed must come as a
> surprise to the Scandinavians.

The Nordics are governed better (and are "big govt") but they are hardly
socialist. They can at best be called "Extreme" Welfare state for lack of a
better world. The Nordic model is worth following.

The Economist has a good article on this

"The main lesson to learn from the Nordics is not ideological but
practical. The state is popular not because it is big but because it works."

"You can inject market mechanisms into the welfare state to sharpen its
performance. You can put entitlement programmes on sound foundations to
avoid beggaring future generations."

More at

And from Wikipedia
"Sometimes mistaken by Americans as socialist, while simultaneously being
criticized by Scandinavians as overly capitalistic, the Nordic model could
best be described as a type of middle ground. It is neither fully
capitalistic or socialistic, and attempts to merge the most desirable
elements of both into a "hybrid" system"

More at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_model

Maybe Fox news would characterize this as socialism (or more likely
communism). Much of the US news media has a Manichean view of the world
with no shades of grey. The world is more nuanced than that.

-- Vinayak

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