On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Deepa Mohan <mohande...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does this mean you are going to be studying at Yale, Solipsist?
> I must remark on the modesty of those who go to Ivy League schools. If they
> are at Harvard, they say "Cambridge"...if at Stanford,  they say,
> "California"...if Yale, it's "New Haven"...someone  even told me he's going
> to "Alameda County", I am not kidding....why is this? Are these people
> afraid of the evil eye, or  of envy....?

Since thread-jacking is what we do on Silk, this reminded me of my favorite
story along these lines. Many years ago, after I had finished my first year
of law school at a well known law school in Cambridge, I had returned
"home" to Bangalore to visit my parents. When I arrived from the airport,
there was some friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend type person who was visiting
my parents, and he engaged me in conversation:

Visitor: "So, where in the U.S. do you live?"
Me: "In Boston."
Visitor: "In the city itself?"
Me: "No, actually I live across the river in a neighboring town."
Visitor: "Oh? Which one?"
Me: "In Cambridge."
Visitor, his face lighting up: "Cambridge?? That's where MIT is, isn't

My MIT friends in particular love that story ....

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