Top posting due to phone.

I want to second 'We Were Liars' by E. Lockhart, which got left off my original 
list. It's shelved with YA fiction, and like many others in the same category, 
makes worthwhile adult reading. Actually achieves a good  twist ending, which 
is rare these days.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Thaths" <>
Sent: ‎27-‎12-‎2014 03:48
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [silk] Recommended Reading from 2014

And the MeFi 2014 book recommendations are out:


On Thu Dec 04 2014 at 11:55:49 PM John Sundman <> wrote:

> On Dec 4, 2014, at 6:59 AM, Udhay Shankar N wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 4:33 PM, Thaths <> wrote:
> >
> >> Where is everyone else on this thread this year? Sankarshan? Udhay?
> Rashmi?
> >> Lahar? Suresh? Divya? Sumant? Etc.
> >
> This year I discovered Flann O'Brien & read all of his novels -- the best
> & most famous of which is At Swim Two Birds. This is just sublime stuff.
> I've also waded into the waters of William T. Vollman, whose work is as
> abundant as nitrogen & denser than a neutron star. I've been reading
> Argall, a novel based on the Europeans in North America at Jamestown, and
> the story of John Smith & Pocahantas, since sometime in late August. I like
> it, but it's work.
> I read Tony Horwitz's Midnight Rising, a history of John Brown and the
> raid at Harper's Ferry that sparked the U.S. Civil war. It is a complex and
> profound story, very well told.
> I also read Tony Horwitz's mini-book "Boom", about his travel by pickup
> truck along the route of the proposed KXL pipeline. It too is a complex and
> profound story, well told. But much lighter, in many ways, than Midnight
> Rising.
> That's it for now. Maybe some other titles later.
> jrs

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