On 12/29/2016 01:14 AM, Deepa Mohan wrote:

I wonder how many of us come to Shakespeare other than through school

Year ten. Ten book reports required, one had to be poetry, one had to be a play, and one had to be presented to the class orally.

I went for all three at once, plus volunteering to be one of the first to present orally -- I chose "Midsummer Night's Dream"

Contrary to instructions, I reserved the author and title for the end. I never did decide if I was more amused by the expressions on my fellow students when I revealed the author or my instructor's glower that slowly turned to stifled laughter as she realized the title I was presenting.

I haven't had cause to read (or even watch) much of the Bard's work since then, but were I to be stuck for a month with only his works, I think I'd get by just fine.

/ Bruce /

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